South Carolina’s Kristin Maguire: Porn Queen?

A few days ago we reported that South Carolina Creationist Maguire Resigns. Disgraced Governor Mark Sanford had appointed her to be chairman of the state Board of Education, and — of particular interest to us — she favored the teaching of intelligent design in schools. We played the story straight and said:

The blogsophere is wild with rumors that — besides the needs of her parents and her teenage children — there are additional reasons in this woman’s private life that have compelled her to resign.

You can search around and find such stories, but you won’t find them here — not yet. When what we regard as responsible news sources start reporting such matters, we’ll join in. Until then, you can get your rumors elsewhere.

We’ve been watching for reports we could use in what we regard as reliable news sources, secure in the knowledge that they were eager to report the sleazy aspects of the situation when they felt comfortable doing so. As expected, the facade of respectability has finally cracked.

We present to you, dear reader, some excerpts from After Sanford, more seamy accusations in South Carolina, which appears in the Christian Science Monitor. The bold font was added by us:

Kristin Maguire, who until this week was chairman of the State Board of Education (a position appointed by Sanford), is alleged to be the author of steamy erotic fiction.

There it is. Let’s read on:

Ms. Maguire is the executive committeewoman of the state Republican Party and a strong supporter of abstinence-only education … . Sanford’s appointment of Maguire, who home-schooled her four kids, was hailed as a victory by social conservatives across the South.

She resigned from the Board of Education this week, citing “family responsibilities.”

We know all that. The article continues:

Maguire has denied writing erotic fiction under the nom de plume of Bridget Keeney – allegations that were published on But she has admitted to frequenting certain X-rated sites during a self-described difficult time in her life.

So this is where we are: The allegations of porn authorship are now reported in a proper source, and Maguire has issued a denial — at least regarding the use of that particular pen name. But she has admitted “frequenting” porn sites. How could a fine creationist lady indulge in such sordid, sinful behavior?

We can understand how a “Darwinist” might do such a thing, because we’re constantly told that evolution leads to animalistic conduct. But creationists are supposed to be on the moral high road. This is so confusing. We’re shocked — shocked!

Perhaps the creationists should rethink everything they’ve been told. After all, we know that Governor Mark Sanford is a flaming, full-blown creationist, and now we learn that his creationist choice to run the State Board of Education is involved in a pornography scandal. Maybe a creation scientist will at least preach the controversy.

Anyway, that’s all we have — at least for the moment. Now that the allegations have appeared in a reputable newspaper, we expect to see more. In this case the blog rumors may have been correct, but we’re comfortable with the way we’re handling the matter.

When there’s more reliable news of creationist sleaze to report, your Curmudgeon won’t let you down.

Copyright © 2009. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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10 responses to “South Carolina’s Kristin Maguire: Porn Queen?

  1. A friend and fellow Republican (but not nearly as passionate about science as I am) has long remarked how, when Republican politicians get in trouble it’s usually over money, whereas with Democrats it’s usually about sex. There may be too few examples to tell, but that trend seems to be reversing, or at least evening out, in recent years.

    Curmudgeon wrote: “We can understand how a ‘Darwinist’ might do such a thing…”

    That reminds me, it’s time for this “Darwinist” to photosynthesize breakfast. 😉

  2. comradebillyboy

    I think she is vigorously probing the very foundations of creation. She is following in the footsteps of so many randy old testament billy goats.

  3. comradebillyboy says: “I think she is vigorously probing …”

    I haven’t read any of her prose, so you have the advantage of me.

  4. Well, you haven’t missed anything if you haven’t read her prose.

    It’s so bizarre how these radicals can be re-elected in spite of their hypocrisy. Is it something about that particular flavor of faith – that voters see their sinning/redemption/sinning/redemption cycle as virtuous? Jimmy Swaggart & the Bakkers come to mind. Is it a Southern thing? an Evangelical thing? Truly, what gives?

    Whatever happened to expecting leaders to be role models for our kids instead of trying to land on spot on Jerry Springer?

  5. Cheryl says: “Well, you haven’t missed anything if you haven’t read her prose.”

    I can’t get enthused about reading creationist porn. Not even curious.

  6. The Curmudgeon wrote

    I can’t get enthused about reading creationist porn. Not even curious.

    Not even for Debbie does Dinos? Or The Designer in Miss Jones?

  7. Benjamin Franklin

    I’m going to wait for the video.
    If they cast Jenna Jameson as the lead, they might just have a winner.

    How about

    “Young Earth, Young Love”


    “Creation Flirtation”


    “Creationists Gone Mild” ?

  8. How ’bout…

    “Miss Maquire And The Sire” ?

  9. A couple of minor points to correct. Maguire was not appointed Chair of the board by Sanford. The SC State Board of Education members elect the vice-chair woh serves in that capacity for one year then moves to the Chair’s position for a year.

    Just a minor point. Sanford has enough troubles in SC, we don’t need to conjure up anymore. He can handle that all by himself!

  10. Thanks for the correction, In the know.