Buffoon Award Winner — Ronda Storms

Buffoon Award

THE FIFTH WINNER of the Curmudgeon’s coveted Buffoon Award is — [drum roll, flourish of trumpets] — Ronda Storms!

When a subject is taken up and championed by WorldNetDaily, it’s a very strong clue that the cause, and those who support it, are unquestionably insane. Due to their intimate association with Buffoonery (see: Buffoon Award Winner — WorldNetDaily), we consider everything in that venerable organ to be Buffoon material.

Therefore we paid attention when WorldNetDaily published this story: Will face of Jesus appear on your car? It’s subtitled: “Choosing Son of God as option sparks debate of biblical proportions.” Here are some excerpts:

It may sound ironic, but a governor named “Crist” is taking a firm stand about the face of Jesus possibly adorning license plates on vehicles in his state. Florida Republican Charlie Crist (pronounced not like Christ, but rather rhyming with wrist) says he would not veto legislation creating a specialty tag featuring artwork of the Son of God.

Let’s read on:

Now, two state senators, Ronda Storms, R-Valrico, and Gary Siplin, D-Orlando, are each promoting their own version of a new plate that outspokenly champions their Bible-based beliefs. One depicts an image of Jesus, while other features a cross in front of a stained-glass window.

We continue:

With Florida’s history of approving such a wide variety of tags, some members of the news media went directly to the governor to ask his thoughts about the legality of such designs. As seen in this embedded video from YouTube, Crist was firm in his resolve not to prevent Jesus from appearing on a license plate.

We could embed the YouTube link, image and all, but we’re stubborn about such things. Instead we’ll give you a mere link, which works just as well: Florida Governor Crist, sounding like an idiot.

WorldNetDaily then gives us various man-in-the-street reactions, as reported in Florida newspapers. Some are amusing, some are incredibly stupid, and thus amusing in their own weird way. Here’s a good one:

Yes, I want a God or Jesus license plate to remind all he pagans and heathens they are on the path to eternal misery if they don’t change their ways!

And here’s another:

This is revenue, hopefully it can result in less taxes I have to pay to support you [expletives].

That’s how the WorldNetDaily article ends. Are they for these license plates or not? They don’t really say, but they don’t need to — we know how they think. Is Florida’s governor for the plates? He doesn’t say, except that he won’t veto them. So who gets today’s award?

We’re left with Ronda and Gary, the dynamic duo in the Florida Senate sponsoring these things. Gary definitely has Buffoon potential. According to Wikipedia, Gary Siplin “is the first convicted felon to serve in the Florida Legislature, and sponsored legislation that would restore voting rights to himself and other convicted felons.” His star is rising in Buffoondom, and his day may come. But he needs to prove his merit by sponsoring some creationist legislation.

Rapturous Ronda, however, has a long and distinguished record of Buffoonery (summarized here: Ronda Storms, Ronda Storms), so it’s entirely appropriate that we should give her the official recognition she so richly deserves. If you’re one of those who just can’t get enough of this fabulous woman, here’s her Wikipedia entry: Ronda Storms.

Congratulations, Ronda! Enjoy the award. You’ve earned it!

[History note: The first Buffoon Award was announced here: John West; the second was here: WorldNetDaily; the third was here: Mark Souder, Creationist Congressman; and the fourth was here: The Intelligent Designer.]

Copyright © 2009. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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6 responses to “Buffoon Award Winner — Ronda Storms

  1. I want an award Curmy!! (throwing childish tantrum) 😉

  2. Colloquy, you’re just not in the same class as the others. Perhaps if you ran off with Gary Siplin, and the two of you started a creationist museum …

  3. I have no class?? – S**t!!

  4. : Will face of Jesus appear on your car?

    OK, you physicists out there, you know who you are, how fast would my car have to be going when it hit Jesus to form an impression of his face on the hood?

    I have a pressure washer so removing the blood and guts is no problem.

  5. John Phillips, FCD

    b_sharp for the win.

    I also heard on Rachel’s show that another Florida politician (Senate Democratic Leader Al Lawson) had proposed another plate with his mug and ‘Can a brotha get a break’ on it as a counterpoint. What better way to ridicule the ridiculous than to be evn more ridiculous.

  6. “Will face of Jesus appear on your car?”
    Darn, I thought it was about another example of seeing Jesus in a Cheetos. Oh well. Actually, that article ends with “Can I order one with 999 on it and mount it upside down?” Was that not there when SC read it?

    Anyway, a well-deserved award for Ronda. I can’t wait to hear what else she has in mind (if that is the proper word) for the future to live up to this awesome responsibility.