Hey Casey! (Number 2)


A bit of background is probably required here. Everyone’s favorite creationist, Casey Luskin, was recently speaking at some creationist event. During a heated exchange with Abbie Smith, which she later described here: Casey Luskin, Abbie flipped a bird at Casey.

Upon experiencing this “Darwinist” atrocity, Casey did the blogging equivalent of bursting into tears and collapsing on the fainting couch. He produced an amazing narrative which appeared on the Discoveroid blog: Civility of Darwinists Lacking at Academic Freedom on Evolution Event in Oklahoma.

When we read that we posted: Discovery Institute: Casey is Flipped the Bird, which led to our cyber-acquaintance with the outspoken Abbie Smith. We followed up not long thereafter by posting this: Hey Casey!

Now for the latest — this isn’t related to the original bird-flipping episode, but it’s worthy of such a gesture on its own, so we have provided it. Casey has just posted a creationist classic at the blog of the neo-theocrats at the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture (a/k/a the Discoveroids). It has one of Casey’s trademark titles — long and inelegant: Darwinist Opposition to Academic Freedom Bills Demonstrates the Need for Legislation to Protect Academic Freedom.

There’s no need to quote very much from that article, because you’ve already seen everything Casey has to say. But we’ll give you a few excerpts, with bold added by us:

Much to the chagrin of those who wish to prevent students from learning about science that challenges neo-Darwinism, academic freedom bills have been submitted to the legislatures of five states so far this year. The arguments from critics against these bills are utterly predictable — but they unwittingly demonstrate the need for academic freedom legislation.

You’ve got the general idea. They claim to have science that challenges the theory of evolution, but we’re desperately keeping it from the kiddies. The Discoveroid “academic freedom” bills are needed. They’re vital, in order to protect the kiddies from the Darwinists. Casey probably imagines that we’re all savages who flip birds at sensitive creationist lads.

Let’s have one more excerpt, from near the end:

These Darwinists are the ones who want to censor viewpoints by using intimidation tactics to convince teachers that if they discuss scientific weaknesses in evolution, then religion and “dishonesty” will come into the classroom. Such rhetoric creates a climate that intimidates teachers from feeling free to teach controversial scientific theories in an objective manner that discusses both majority and dissenting scientific viewpoints. This is harmful to education, freedom of inquiry, and the pursuit of scientific truth.

If you’re not throwing up at this point, why aren’t you? Anyway, now you understand the image which adorns the beginning of this post. It’s one of our cousins, and he shares our opinion of creationism.

Copyright © 2009. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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9 responses to “Hey Casey! (Number 2)

  1. …science that challenges neo-Darwinism…

    Like what? What is the mechanism of this “science?” Where are the data? Where is the body of research? There’s no way Luskin is that ignorant.

  2. James says: “There’s no way Luskin is that ignorant.”

    I’m pretty sure Casey is sincere. He actually believes in Behe.

  3. John Phillips, FCD

    I love that image. There is probably more integrity in that one gorilla’s finger than in all of the Dishonesty Institute put together.

  4. I think you’ve started something. For what it’s worth, here’s my contribution to the discussion.

  5. The skepTick says: “I think you’ve started something.”

    Oh dear, that’s terribly insensitive of you.

  6. Mr. Luskin’s diatribe shows how out of touch
    he is with Iowa politics. The DI has consistently
    underestimated the response of faculty of Iowa institutions to creationist shenanigans.

  7. Welcome, Dr. Avalos. Good to see you here.

  8. Not to mention the gorilla has a hand with fingers. And fingernails instead of claws. And human-looking external ears. And those expressive, human-like eyes. Creationists who dismiss the idea we’re related to Jocko there have to ignore an awful lot of visual evidence. (And an honest Creationist before the battle lines hardened, Linnaeus, did put apes and people in the same category — “Primates,” a term he invented.)