Louisiana Teachers: Here’s Your “Supplemental Material”

MANY OF YOU have been wondering: “Why do I keep reading the Curmudgeon’s blog?” Those who have been entertaining such doubts will now see them swept away. This post is the reward for your loyal readership. Your Curmudgeon has done what no one ever thought possible — we have found an intellectual rival to Gene Ray, author of The Time Cube.

In a publication calling itself The Conservative Voice, we discovered this: A Letter Which Was Sent To Louisiana. Presumably, the letter is intended for science teachers in Louisiana, who now have the “academic freedom” to employ “supplemental materials” in science class. There has been considerable speculation as to whether creationism tracts would be used, as that certainly seems to be the covert intent of Louisiana’s new law, but all is in flux. Perhaps here we have the answer to Louisiana’s problem.

We’ll excerpt enough to give you the flavor of the letter, and then you can click over there to see the whole thing. We’ve added bold for emphasis:

Hello. My name is Herman Cummings. I am the leading expert on the book of Genesis. There is no “close second”. I’m also the author of the book “Moses Didn’t Write About Creation!“.

That may seem boastful, but as we read on, we sense that we have encountered a unique intellect:

I teach a 6-hr class for science teachers which gives them an overview of the first three chapters of Genesis, as it pertains to the appearance, and extinction, of life forms during the geologic history of Earth. This is the correct opposing view of evolution as should be presented in biology classes. Creationism is not the opposing view to evolution. Creationism would oppose the theory of the “Big Bang”. [Bold in the original.]

We don’t pretend to understand this learned man’s claims, but we shall read on nevertheless:

[B]y providing my class to your teachers, I also give protection against lawsuits which the ACLU is certainly anxious to file. I contacted the Dover Area school district in Pennsylvania, but they ignored me, and they lost both their jobs and the court case. I contacted both the Cobb County Board members and their law firm in Georgia, in 2004, and they both ignored me, and they lost their district case. I know how to defeat the ACLU in open court in such cases, to the point that they would be discouraged from filing such lawsuits again. But I would have to be invited to work with the defense.

Jeepers! This man is the answer to a Louisiana creationist’s prayers. But he’s not begging to be heard. They’ll have to invite him. Well, what are they waiting for?

Copyright © 2008. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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7 responses to “Louisiana Teachers: Here’s Your “Supplemental Material”

  1. For some reason I have this urge to call out “POE”! But sadly, I know I’d be wrong.

  2. Wow! This guys seems to know as much about science as he does about law. He’s a twofer!

    How long before he starts sending letters PRINTED IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS BECAUSE HE’S SO SMART/IMPORTANT?


    P.S. The TRUTH of the TimeCube™ cannot be denied!

  3. Three words: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    Great blog!

  4. “I know how to defeat the ACLU in open court in such cases…”

    He cites two cases where his offer to help was refused and they LOST! Funny he doesn’t mention any cases where his help led to a win. For that matter, he doesn’t mention any cases he was really involved in.

  5. Evidently Herman did try to get involved in a case. Panda’s Thumb ( http://pandasthumb.org/pt-archives/001171.html ) from June 25, 2005 mentions his attempt to file an amicus-curiae brief in Selman v. Cobb County School District, the Georgia case involving evolution disclaimer stickers. At least he tried, huh?

  6. Roger says: “Evidently Herman did try to get involved in a case.”

    I didn’t know about that attempt. Sometimes I scan the news for Herman, but he’s been quiet lately.

  7. Ah well, no news is good news.