Creationist Wisdom — Example 59: Astronomy!

WE present to you, dear reader, some excerpts from BOOK REVIEWS – The Astronomy Book, which appears at a website named 4th Day Alliance: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God. Their About Us page says:

The 4th Day Alliance is a non-profit religious organization dedicated to proclaiming the Glory of God through astronomy.


1. We Believe that the God of the Bible created the universe and all that is in it.
2. We believe that God created all things in six days as recorded in Genesis chapter one.
3. We believe that the host of heaven were created on the 4th day.
4. We believe that the celestial objects were created for signs, seasons, days, and years.
5. We believe that the branch of study commonly called astronomy, which endeavors to learn about the heavens, should be used for the glory of God.

Point two of their Articles of Faith indicates that they’re a creationist group, so this is an appropriate source for our Creationist Wisdom series. (We acknowledge the work of our operative in Maine who brought this item to our attention.)

Their article is a review of The Astronomy Book (Amazon listing), written by Dr. Jonathan Henry, Chair of the Science Department at Clearwater Christian College. Here’s his page at that college.

We won’t copy too much from the 4th Day Alliance website — just enough to give you an idea about the book being reviewed. You can click over there to read it all. Then you can buy the book. After that, you’ll probably want to join the Flat Earth Society.

Okay, enough introduction. Here we go, with bold font added by us. The parenthetical material is commentary by the reviewer, not your Curmudgeon.

This book is written from a God created viewpoint (which I agree with) and not an evolutionary one. I will say that it’s a little out of date – the pictures need to be updated – and it also reflects Pluto is still a planet. I know that is a topic that some will never agree with, but it is still one that, in my opinion, should be mentioned.

Why are creationists so dedicated to Pluto? Well, let’s read on:

I also do not agree that the sun is a star, which the author seems to believe. Genesis 1:16 says: “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” If the sun were a star, wouldn’t God have said something different? I guess we’ll find out one of these days.

Now you know the truth, dear reader. Your teachers have all lied to you. The sun is not a star! One more excerpt:

Of interest was the topic of constellations and how that most cultures recognize the same constellations as we do and that maybe it all started at the tower of Babel when all the people of the earth were in the same place. That makes a lot of sense, otherwise, why would so many people refer to the same stars as the same name that we do?

This is exciting stuff! You have learned that’s there’s more to creationism than you ever realized. Now then, go forth, wiser than before.

Copyright © 2009. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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27 responses to “Creationist Wisdom — Example 59: Astronomy!

  1. Wow. And I guess Einstein’s work on light was wrong too. If light from stars millions of light years away is visible now, then I guess the speed of light really isn’t constant.

    So, these people think they are smarter than Einstein. Go figure.

  2. comradebillyboy

    He left off the very important biblical precepts of a geocentric universe and a flat square earth. Biblical cosmology is really entertaining and I urge you to pay more attention to it since it springs from the doctrine of biblical literalism and inerrancy as is creationism.

  3. comradebillyboy


    Biblical cosmology and creation science doctrine reveals to us that the speed of light has been slowing down these last 6000 years since god’s creation. Any facts that are at odds with the biblical account must be dismissed in the face of absolute truth.

  4. It’s comforting to know that the US leads the world in creation science.

  5. LOL! And what, pray tell, is slowing the light down.. an aether??? Ha ha ha!

    I guess those satellites that rely on special relativity to keep their clocks accurate are screwed! (or are they?!?!)


  6. Oh- and let’s not forget that the experiments on disintegrating tau-muons must have been wrong as well.

  7. comradebillyboy

    Don’t try to confuse me with facts. The experiments of which you speak are the work of Satan.

  8. Yes– Satan is the Lord of this world, isn’t he? Therefore all references to experiments of this world must be evil! EVIL I TELL YOU!!!!

  9. comradebillyboy

    By George I think you’ve got it!!

  10. Well, I tell you, he’s an awfully consistent Lord, isn’t he? I mean we keep repeating experiments and getting the same results… but I guess he is the Great Deceiver. God sure has given him some leeway. The Angel of Light (or is that Enlightenment?) is definitely the enemy of faith! Why, we should revert all engineering practices to reflect the Bible’s God-given Pi as 3! It’s blasphemous to use the EVIL 3.1416!!!

  11. comradebillyboy

    Personally, I teach all of my physics students to use pi=3. They must also convert the speed of light to cubits per fortnight. I still have not seen a good biblical treatment of quantum uncertainty or radioactive decay.

    otherwise beware because the lord thy god is a mean motor-scooter and a bad go-getter.

  12. Well, I suggest that you use cubits per fourscore and seven years. That would be more patriotic, don’t you know!

  13. comradebillyboy

    great idea. It will make a nice lesson on unit conversion.

  14. In my innocent youth, I thought that creationists and biblical literalists were just stupid.
    However, as I’ve grown older and been more exposed to their constant denial of reality, I’ve come to realize that they manifest a lot of the symptoms of good ol’ fashioned down-home country insanity.

  15. “This book is written from a God created viewpoint …”

    Curiously, no evidence is supplied for this remarkable assertion.

  16. Gumlegs, no evidence is required.

  17. retiredsciguy

    “I also do not agree that the sun is a star, which the author seems to believe. Genesis 1:16 says: “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” If the sun were a star, wouldn’t God have said something different?”

    Ohboy. If the creationists don’t accept that the stars are in reality distant suns, then in essence they have no astronomy. Evidently they believe that as long as they have their bible, we don’t need telescopes.

    I’d be interested in knowing just how many people belong to The 4th Day Alliance. Maybe we’re getting all worked up over nothing. The website might be nothing more than the unthinking ramblings of one loonie.

  18. “I’d be interested in knowing just how many people belong to The 4th Day Alliance. Maybe we’re getting all worked up over nothing. The website might be nothing more than the unthinking ramblings of one loonie.”

    I have know idea what the 4th Day Alliance is, but the number of people doesn’t make or break an argument. Exegesis on the sun vs. light may be questionable, but exactly who has been to a star?

    Sensational nomination of creationists to the flat earth society is nothing more than people without an argument making personal attacks to prove their point.

    Pooh poohing Satan is exactly in his interest.

  19. retiredsciguy raises hope with the thought

    I’d be interested in knowing just how many people belong to The 4th Day Alliance. Maybe we’re getting all worked up over nothing. The website might be nothing more than the unthinking ramblings of one loonie.

    Hope it is just a lone loonie — but the website does claim (on their ‘About Us’ page):

    The 4th Day Alliance currently has over 2,600 members in all 50 states and in 29 international countries including: Albania, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, England, France, Grenada, Guam, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia. Members of the 4th Day Alliance share a love for God, their Christian faith, the authority of the Bible, and astronomy.

    If this is true, it’s simply further proof that idiocy knows no borders.

  20. ADDENDUM: I only just noted, from the 4th Day Alliance website, this little pearl:

    The 4th Day Alliance is a ministry of Faith Tabernacle Church in Fresno, CA.

  21. It was noted long ago that there is a problem with the sun, moon, and stars being created on the 4th day, and with their being created to separate the day from the night and to measure time.

    How could there be three prior days and nights?

    One ancient solution to this problem was to note that the Bible does not say that the sun was created on day 4, but only that it was placed in the firmament. This has been interpreted as saying something like the sun became visible (there were clouds or mists blocking the view before day 4).

    I hasten to note that I am only reporting this.

  22. Maine Operative

    Elsewhere on the website, the author(s) note:
    “Remember that all of the celestial objects, including the sun, moon, planets, and ALL OF THE STARS in the universe were created […] for signs, seasons, days, and years for the inhabitants on Earth. Therefore, any other galaxy, star system, or celestial object which would “harbor life” would be FOR US (humans on earth) and not for any other creature or life form. ”

    Ah, we have that comfortingly anthropocentric notion that has done such wonders for the planetary environment over the centuries (since humankind has DOMINION over all) .

    Sadly, we learn that all “Star Wars” fans are utterly misguided: “The sad truth is that nearly all belief systems in alien life forms ultimately end up undermining the word of God and destroying people’s faith.” Beware, followers of the Force!

    Doubtless, the truth promulgated by the 4th Day Alliance will set the record straight.

  23. LRA:
    “I guess those satellites that rely on special relativity …”

    Not to be pedantic, but interestingly (to me) SR makes the clocks look slower to us, whereas GR makes the clocks seem faster (because we are slower). I looked at the equations the GPS sats use and the GR effect is a few times greater than the SR effect.

  24. Maine Operative says:

    Therefore, any other galaxy, star system, or celestial object which would “harbor life” would be FOR US …

    Ah, now I can start using distant galaxies for signs and wonders.

  25. retiredsciguy

    This all just goes to show that if you take a literal interpretation of the Old Testament, specifically Genesis, NONE of our modern sciences, based upon observation of the universe and nature, can be made to work. Curmy, it seems like a good time to re-publish St. Augustine’s admonitions.

  26. retiredsciguy says: “Curmy, it seems like a good time to re-publish St. Augustine’s admonitions.”

    No need to re-publish. It’s here: St. Augustine on Creationism.

  27. dNorrisM: Thanks for the correction. 🙂