Happy New Year — 2013


This is a continuation of our tradition of year-end posts that showcase our legendary graphic talent. Rather spectacular, isn’t it?

In addition to that, we have some fantastic news to report. You’re all familiar with Herman Cummings. Our last post about him was Herman Cummings: Tireless Crusader. Besides his persistence in offering to teach the truth of Genesis, an offer which thus far has been universally rejected, the most intriguing aspect of Herman’s struggle has been his heretofore cryptic claim that his insights are based on a revelation he received in December of 1993 that consisted of nine words. But he has never said what those nine words were.

Until now. In The Truth of Genesis: Antarctica Holds Confirmation Of The Genesis Text, Herman discloses those nine Earth-shaking words for what we believe is the first time. He says, with our bold font:

What is the truth of Genesis? In ignorance, Creationism and Theology read the seven days serially, as if they were contained in one linear week. That is wrong. In December 1993, the Lord Jesus told me these words: “The days in Genesis are not in one week”.

Stunning, simply stunning. Maybe now, at last, the world will start to pay attention to Herman.

Aside from that — which may be the most exciting news of the century — there’s nothing else going on. Well, there’s that fiscal cliff thing if your interests run in that direction. If so, feel free to unload on us.

This is our official, year-end Intellectual Free Fire Zone for the discussion of pretty much anything — science, politics, economics, whatever — as long as it’s tasteful and interesting. Say what you will, but avoid flame-wars and beware of the profanity filters.

We now throw open the comments to you, dear reader. Have at it. Oh, and Happy New Year!

Copyright © 2012. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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10 responses to “Happy New Year — 2013

  1. Charley Horse

    Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2013, SC.

    Anybody have an extra parachute?

  2. Jim Thomerson

    Today I will get my checkbooks out, and date the first half dozen checks 2013.

  3. One day, several decades from now, college kids not yet born will be watching movies about events in 2013, and they’ll think of this time as the old days. Well, I say to those whippersnappers: What do you know?

  4. Well, I say to those whippersnappers: What do you know?

    So long as they keep the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks off my lawn I don’t give a rat’s patootie.

    Oh, and by the way, I find this Kentucky Fried Chicken McDonalds family style Golden Corral Disney blog just a LITTLE TO FREAKING RESTRICTIVE regarding your gall-durned, dagnabbit “polite” language policies that I have to go over to the PT to relieve my tension from time to time, if you get my drift.


    That had me thinking this: RESTRICTIVE CONTINUUM: LITTLE FREAKING.

    Oh, wait… you *MEANT* “LITTLE TOO FREAKING RESTRICTIVE”. Okay. I got it.

  6. Darn HTML. Ruins everything.

  7. Great, just great! Nearly a Full Year of Absolutely Perfect Posts and on the last effing day of the year I leave an “O” off of “TOO!”

    Well, thats just to dadgummmed bad, aint it? Mite as weil goa ful HOG now. (That is surprisingly difficult to type!)

    That’s going to be the title of my next book: “HTML is Not Great. How Markup Language Poisons Everything.”

    Following hot on the heels of: “Bichon 22. Hell Frise Over.”

    And, “Card Playing Dogs. My Life as a Poker Stud (Poker? I Hardly Knew Her.)”

    And there’s more where that came from, unfortunately.

  8. docbill1351 says: “And there’s more where that came from, unfortunately.”

    Celebrating early, I see.

  9. doodlebugger

    I’m wondering how Michigan managed to lose to a South Carolina team whose running backs contributed roughly ten yards to total offense?
    Speaking of offense shouldn’t it be an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty when a YEC burns fossil fuel?

  10. Good old Herman, he never disappoints.