RenewAmerica — Life’s Vital Questions

Buffoon Award

As you may remember from this post, the RenewAmerica website is the eighth winner of the Curmudgeon’s coveted Buffoon Award. What we found there today confirms the wisdom of that decision.

We present to you, dear reader, some excerpts from Politicizing the religious war, which was written by A.J. Castellitto. He’s described as having B.S. in Counseling and Human Services from the University of Scranton, and he’s a freelance writer. Our last post about his work was the one that caused us to give the award to RenewAmerica. The bold font was added by us:

There is a bitter struggle occurring that affects and intersects with all aspects of human existence. This is a battle for free thought. We are fighting for the opportunity of a fair hearing and a free and open exchange of ideas. These were essentially my thoughts following my recent re-viewing of Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” (mandatory viewing for the truly objective truth seeker).

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! For those who don’t know, Ben Stein is the dashing, heart-throbbing star of the creationist “documentary,” Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. It was, and still is, a crude propaganda film about an allegedly widespread campaign of academic discrimination against brilliant professors who dare to question “Darwinism.” Its academic heroes are sometimes literally fired for incompetence, while in other cases they are denied tenure and let go at the end of their contracts. The film is pure creationist garbage, of course — see Expelled Exposed. Our last post about the film’s star was Ben Stein in Alleged Sexting Scandal. Okay, back to RenewAmerica:

The battle for public opinion continues to rage. At stake is the hearts and minds of men. The most essential and existential consideration at the heart of this struggle is the acknowledgement and acceptance of a Supreme Deity (the God of all creation in Whom lies all Truth and Understanding).

Yes, that’s what it’s all about. Let’s read on:

Ultimately, there will be a civil and spiritual clash on the horizon that must culminate with the rise and fall of earthly powers. A full consideration of the wars we wage is the gateway to uncovering the spiritual divide.

Castellitto has a masterly grasp of geopolitics. He continues:

The intelligent design and natural order of all things is on the line. A knowledge of good and evil lies in the rebellion of man. The course of a rebellion has been charted and will continue uncontested until the light of truth is given a complete and thorough hearing. We must ask ourselves: What are we afraid of? The truth shall set us free!

This man is a genius! Here’s more:

Either God is the author of natural order in whom lies a true and holy standard or we are merely going it alone.

Ooooooooooh — we don’t want to be alone! Now get ready, dear reader, because what’s coming next is the best part of Castellitto’s enlightening essay. It’s a list of profound questions, and after each he provides a link. But we haven’t explored those links. We’re afraid! But here are Castellitto’s “Vital Questions for Further Reflection”:

• Should the science of climate change (global warming) be deemed ‘settled’?

• Should the science of evolution be deemed ‘settled’?

• Are scientific studies related to vaccines affects on autism, the necessity of embryonic stem cell research, GMOs, etc. wholly comprehensive and objective?

• Are Godly principles AND government compatible or even necessary?

• Would we be better off if we replaced the traditional Judeo-Christian God with a strictly scientific one?

Well, dear reader, do you have the courage to explore those vital questions? If you click on Castellitto ‘s links, let us know what you find.

Copyright © 2015. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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8 responses to “RenewAmerica — Life’s Vital Questions

  1. Almost makes you yearn for the Rev. Art Zacher, doesn’t it?

  2. “The battle for public opinion continues to rage.”

    And this is all he has to go on. To creationists it’s nothing but a “popularity contest,” no evidence allowed.

  3. @DavidK
    A popularity contest is not about evidence. But it is not about ideas, either.
    It’s not about beauty or ability.
    And we all know how effective negative campaigning is. All the spectrum from “flip flop” to “Hitler”.

  4. Climate change, evolution and vaccines … crank magnetism at its strongest.

  5. Perhaps someone can enlighten me/us as to what the term a “strictly scientific God” means. Does A.J. mean a God who doesn’t do miracles?
    If so, what’s fun or scary about that?

  6. Rockhopper: I assume he means a deistic god that doesn’t do much. I’d be okay with more people believing in that god. That god doesn’t make crazy demands of his followers.

  7. When creationists feel they have a champion in Ferris Bueller’s nemesis, they are surely scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  8. “affects and intersects with all aspects of human existence.”
    So according to Castellito the people of Suriname don’t belong to humanity. We overhere have noticed exactly nothing of that affecting and intersecting.