A Bold New Creationist ‘Documentary’

This is from the website of Christian News Network (the other CNN), which “provides up-to-date news and information affecting the body of Christ worldwide from an uncompromising Biblical worldview.” Their headline is Is Genesis History? New Film Affirms Truthfulness of Biblical Record. Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us for emphasis:

A soon-to-be-released documentary-style film, featuring footage from around the U.S. and interviews with over a dozen scholars and scientists, will provide visual evidence and scientific arguments for the Bible’s accounts of Creation and the Flood.

[*Begin Drool Mode*] Ooooooooooooh! [*End Drool Mode*] The film has “visual evidence and scientific arguments.” Then Christian News Network says:

On February 23, hundreds of movie theaters across the U.S. will participate in a one-night showing of the film “Is Genesis History?” The film, produced by Compass Cinema and structured as a documentary, features interviews with respected Christian scientists [Hee hee!], including microbiologist Kevin Anderson, astronomer Danny Faulkner, geologist Andrew Snelling, and several others.

Kevin Anderson is a director of the Creation Research Society. Faulkner and Snelling write for Answers in Genesis. With such an all-star list of respected scientists, the film must be great. Let’s read on:

“‘Is Genesis History’ is a comprehensive documentary featuring scientists and scholars looking at the world and explaining how it intersects with the history recorded in Genesis,” the film’s website states. “From rock layers to fossils to lions to stars, this fascinating film will challenge and change the way you see the world.”

It’s “a comprehensive documentary” and it will “challenge and change the way you see the world.” Sounds wonderful! The article continues:

In an interview with Christian News Network, Thomas Purifoy, the film’s producer and director, said “Is Genesis History?” will be useful to people of all ages. … The book of Genesis, although controversial, is foundational for the gospel, Purifoy stated. “Every important aspect of human culture goes back to Genesis, including marriage, sexuality, work, environmental stewardship, science, language, and much more. And all these things relate directly to the historicity of Genesis,” he said. “If you can deny Genesis as a book of history, you can deny all these things. The gospel of Jesus Christ therefore stands or falls along with the historicity of the first chapters of Genesis.

Purifoy has more to say:

“This is why the recent influence of theistic evolution on the church is so concerning,” Purifoy added. “This movement denies the goodness of God’s original creation by saying death existed for hundreds of millions of years before Adam, it denies a real Adam and Eve, and it denies a global flood. Theistic evolutionists are seeking to replace the history recorded in Genesis with a history of their own making; this is a dangerous thing.

Yes, anything that questions Genesis is dangerous. Another excerpt:

Already the film has been endorsed by Answers in Genesis and the Associates for Biblical Research.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Here’s another quote from Purifoy:

“I also want moviegoers to realize that science is useful, but is not an ultimate authority,” Purifoy told Christian News Network. “Every field of science has changed many times through history, and will continue to do so. History, on the other hand, is unchanging. And if the Bible is anything, it’s a book of history. … . I want people to see this, and to realize that Genesis is the cornerstone for the history of the world.”

That’s it, dear reader. Oh, wait — the article also includes a video which is a trailer from the film. You don’t want to miss that! We know you’ll be eagerly awaiting the appearance of this documentary at a theater near you. After you see it, perhaps you can arrange to have it shown at your university.

Copyright © 2017. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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21 responses to “A Bold New Creationist ‘Documentary’

  1. Michael Fugate

    Del Tackett (who holds a doctorate in management from private, for-profit Colorado Technical University which seems to cater to ex-military and gets all of its money from the US government) is the film’s narrator. He once worked for Focus on the Family.

    Check out this alternative truth encounter with Del
    Carmen Pate: Tell us your perspective on how this really ties into with what we see with the homosexual agenda, their movement, the sad belief that they have that they were born with this propensity to engage in sexual sin?

    Del Tackett: A lot of the studies have shown that homosexual activities and tendencies and desires and so forth often come from a deep pathology within the home and oftentimes that is traced to a lack of a proper role model. That lack of a proper role model can be on both extremes, it can be on one end the tyrant, which is not the biblical mode, not the biblical understanding of headship and leadership, it’s an abusive tyrant mode, or, which is more prevalent, on the other end, is this abdication, it’s the absence, it’s the guy who is just drinking beer on the couch, just flipping through the channels, and he has no leadership role at all. So a young boy deeply desires that kind of male relationship and when it happens at a very sensitive time at a young man’s life and he experiences a sexual encounter, and the whole sexual aspect of human nature is so deep and complex, but people can map in that wrong way.

    Source: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/truth-in-action-ministries-blames-homosexuality-on-lack-of-biblical-fatherhood/

    And lesbians result from…..?

  2. Most people don’t see these “homer” documentaries. More damaging to the general populace are “History Channel” and other made for TV documentaries which start out asking questions about the Bible (Is it true?!) but them quickly resort to using language assuming the accounts in the Bible are true and trying to make the evidence fit the book. This I have seen over and over and is insidious.

  3. Hmm, this flick explains how the world intersects with history in Genesis? Mostly not even tangentially (although I doubt Hambone has enough maths background to understand that point).

  4. “The gospel of Jesus Christ therefore stands or falls along with the historicity of the first chapters of Genesis.”

    If so, Christianity is in deep trouble.

  5. “Every important aspect of human culture goes back to Genesis, including marriage, sexuality, work, environmental stewardship, science, language, and much more..”

    Such hubris. I doubt most cultures 2000, 500, or even 50 years ago would agree that Genesis was foundational to them.

  6. Ross Cameron

    Ah, old ‘Two-hats’ Snelling who supports dating methods when among scientists and denies dating when down with his religious mates

  7. These people are REALLY afraid of dying.

  8. Two amazing statements.

    History, on the other hand, is unchanging.
    And the Bible, if it is anything, is a book of history.

    I am speechless.

  9. The “hundreds of movie theaters” across America will, I suspect, mostly be situated in Church basements. Maybe excerpts will show up on YT, for everybody to point and laugh. “Structured as a documentary”, yet! Orson Welles did that with a Martian invasion, with as much veracity.

    But there is a serious aspect to this. Not to the movie itself, which is of course a risible tissue of idiotic falsehoods, but to the unkillable revenant vitality of the creationist propaganda mill.

    Years ago I noticed the difference between creationist material and genuine science videos on YT, for example. The creationist stuff was slickly produced, with clever graphics, expensive effects and high production values. The science was far less so, generally. The old saw was “A lie can circle the planet before truth can get its boots on”. To that we must add another: “A lie is a turd that can be polished to brilliance; truth is a diamond that can be buried in crap.”

    Archeology, the same. Even history. Take a look at what passes for docos on those subjects in the popular media. Damn-fool portentious (and pretentious) questions: “How could they have raised these mighty stones?”, “Who were the Naxsa people signalling?”, “Was it fire from heaven that destroyed this city?”, “Is everything we think about Richard III wrong?”, “Was Haig really a great general after all?”

    Part of it, I’m sure, is this “century of the common man” jazz. “The experts are wrong!” and (as C S Lewis remarked, long ago, “I’m as good as you are!”) pull like crazy. The rest of it, I don’t know for sure. There’s money – yards of it – behind the forces of ignorance. It’s mostly not coming from the regular Christian churches, and certainly not Jewish nor even Islamic sources. Some of it is coming from some of the mega-rich – the Kochses, for instance – but not most of it. Most of it is self-funding. The cascade of hoopla and vapor is powered by itself. Sell a million copies of a collection of imbecilic lies on the internet, and you can make a new one and sell that. It’s self-sustaining.

    It’s enough to make you doubt the first law of thermodynamics. This is a perpetual noise machine, a feedback loop that powers itself.

    I confess, sometimes I despair.

  10. All those Young Earth Creationists, https://isgenesishistory.com/experts this isn’t just a creationist film, this is a Young Earth Creationist film.

  11. This is no church basement movie.


    In my area it is playing at the 12 screen movieplex at $10 a pop. Find one near you!!!

  12. As for the “Church Basement” question, no this will play in actual theatres. An interesting new Fundie/Creationist tactic is to rent out theatres on off days through the country. The first instance was late last year, if you’ll recall, there was the Kirk Cameron event “Revive Us”. (I didn’t see it but it was supposed to be a live event with an encore of the recorded event played the next week.) I’m guessing it was a pretty good money maker and no doubt inspired this one. The saturation of this will be much less. The local theatre in my home town played “Revive Us”, the nearest showing of this new one is more than 25 miles away.
    (Unfortunately these showings can have a dramatic effect on the young. For example I was taken to see “In Search of Noah’s Ark” a late-70s hack piece that was released in similar fashion to this one. My childhood curiosity was wasted on this piece that was presented itself as legitimate and exciting science when in fact it was just a fundie vanity project.)

  13. Dave Luckett

    I stand corrected. If they’re not only making this, but renting out commercial space to show it, there’s even more money in it than I thought, and the situation is yet worse.

  14. Sexuality in Genesis; as in polygamy (Abraham, Jacob), sending ex-wife and kid into the wilderness unprovided for (Hagar, Ishmael), female slaves as breeding stock (Rachel’s and Leah’s handmaidens and Jacob), levirate marriage and (as he thought) recourse to a prostitute (Judah and Tamar).

  15. Michael Fugate

    YECs are trying to counteract the Next Generation Science Standards; this film seems to be aimed primarily at K-12 students. What YECs don’t realize is that their insistence on a literal Genesis is what is driving young people from Christianity. Would they rather have atheists and agnostics or OECs and TEs?

  16. My guess is that many would say, “Better atheist than lukewarm.”

  17. Michael Fugate

    Then they will go the way of the Shakers and other cults…

  18. Pete Moulton

    @Michael Fugate: d’you suppose we could induce them to make some nice furniture before they die out?

  19. @Pete Moulton: That would be nice (I love old Shaker furniture), but I’m pretty sure the YEC cult is not interested in doing something useful.

  20. Pete Moulton

    Too bad, but I suppose you’re most likely right.

  21. In an interview with Christian News Network, Thomas Purifoy, the film’s producer and director, said “Is Genesis History?” will be useful to people of all ages. … The book of Genesis, although controversial, is foundational for the gospel, Purifoy stated. “Every important aspect of human culture goes back to Genesis, including marriage, sexuality, work, environmental stewardship, science, language, and much more. And all these things relate directly to the historicity of Genesis,” he said. “If you can deny Genesis as a book of history, you can deny all these things. The gospel of Jesus Christ therefore stands or falls along with the historicity of the first chapters of Genesis.”

    Rubbish from start to finish.

    Apparently Mt. Putrefy, er, Purifoy defines “human culture” as white, Judeo-Christian Western culture, thereby implying, in the best bigoted fashion, that nonbelievers in the Bible who are also nonwhite non-Westerners aren’t really human. And since all of the things he insist are founded on the Bible existed before any of it was written (yes, even “environmental stewardship”), his claim on that subject belongs in the landfill as well.

    As for Jesus, while the foundational figure of Christianity used religious imagery to reach his Jewish initial audience (or he’d have been ignored or else killed even earlier than he was), the important aspects of his teachings are moral, not doctrinal.