Creationist Wisdom #906: A Day Is a Day

Wikipedia has an article on Day-age creationism. They say:

Day-age creationism, a type of old Earth creationism, is an interpretation of the creation accounts in Genesis. It holds that the six days referred to in the Genesis account of creation are not ordinary 24-hour days, but are much longer periods (from thousands to billions of years). The Genesis account is then reconciled with the age of the Earth. Proponents of the day-age theory can be found among both theistic evolutionists, who accept the scientific consensus on evolution, and progressive creationists, who reject it. The theories are said to be built on the understanding that the Hebrew word yom is also used to refer to a time period, with a beginning and an end and not necessarily that of a 24-hour day.

That’s the subject of today’s letter-to-the-editor, which appears in the Marshall News Messenger of Marshall, Texas. It’s titled simply Letter to the Editor, and the newspaper has a comments feature.

Unless the letter-writer is a politician, preacher, or other public figure, we won’t embarrass or promote him by using his full name — but today we have a noteworthy author. It’s Caleb Brabham. He’s a frequent contributor to that newspaper, and he’s also a YouTube personality. Additionally, he’s got a book out there — here’s its website: The Apocalypse of Bob — which says: “Caleb Brabham graduated magna cum laude from Oral Roberts University in 2007.”

Very impressive! Caleb definitely qualifies for full-name treatment. Here are some excerpts from his letter, with bold font added by us for emphasis, and occasional Curmudgeonly interjections that look [like this]:

I am writing this in response to a recent column by George Smith, in the 9/16/18 edition. [We can’t find it.] The Bible is a document of logic and reasoning (Isa 1:18), not a treatise on what someone “thinks” it aught [sic] to say. Years ago, so called, “scholars” decided to compromise doctrine with supposed scientific ideas and developed the doctrine of “Theistic Evolution.” This concept is what this particular column is teaching.

Caleb doesn’t like to compromise. He says:

However, the Biblical concept of creation is based on a literal 7 days [that should be six] of literal 24 hours. Looking at the wording of Genesis chapter 1, some have chosen to conclude that these 7 days were comprised of eons of time instead of 24 hours to our understanding. A few points to consider:

Caleb’s “few points” are long and wordy. We’ll skip most of it and just give you the highlights — such as they are. He tells us:

1. The timeline of the creation account. Genesis 1:2, light is created; Genesis 1:3, the firmament and gathering of the waters; Genesis 1:11, all manner of vegetation; Genesis 1:14, sun, moon, and stars. Eons of time, or literal 24 hour days; let common sense be your guide – Plants need the UV rays of sunlight to metabolize the nutrients brought in through the root system. If the plants were made before the sun (Notice: Plants Day 3; Sun Day 4), and these days were separated by thousands of years, where did the UV rays come from for the however many thousands of years transpired to enable the foliage to grow and reproduce after its own kind?

Brilliant point! You may wonder why plants were created even one day before the Sun, but Caleb doesn’t worry about that. He continues:

2. How did the individuals to whom Moses wrote these words understand the use of the word “day?” Exodus 20:8-11- Exodus 20 contains the recording of the 10 commandments that Moses was to give to Israel. The 4th of the 10 commandments was to remember the Sabbath day, the explanation of this remembrance was, “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it”(Exodus 20:11 KJV). Israel was commanded to work for 6 days and rest on the 7th (Sabbath). If it is to be understood that the days of creation were eons (thousands of years) of time, how was Israel to understand this command? Logic and proper hermeneutics dictate that the people of Israel would have to work for 6 eons of time, then spend the 7th eon of time resting…… Dear reader how does this make logical sense?

Another brilliant point! Skipping a lot, we come to this:

Before Genesis 1:1, what is known as this world, was non-existent.[Hee hee!] There were no elements of the periodic table. There was no “time.” There was no day or night, as this is what He called the comprising of the 1st day (Genesis 1:2). Without the acknowledgment of time, where did man come up with the idea of 24 hour days, and a 7 day week? Research reveals that every civilization known has made use of the 7 day week consisting of 24 hours for each day.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The early Romans used an 8-day week, and other cultures had different calendar systems. The 24-hour day wasn’t a universal standard either — see Wikipedia’s article: Hour. Let’s read on:

Where did those ideas originate? Since civilizations differ so much in ideas one fromanother [sic], (one only need to look into the different spiritual thoughts of current nations) how could all civilizations have this one understanding in common?

It’s an abominable mystery! Oh wait — Caleb has the answer:

The simple answer is, they could not. [That’s the answer?] This writer believes that God could have created everything with the simplest minute breath of thought in one instant, yet, He did so in what we understand as, a normal seven day week. Therefore, as He established the boundaries for everything known in those days.

Ah, Goddidit. And now we come to the end. It’s a bit anti-climactic:

Make yourself as the noble Bereans [Who? — Oh, see Bereans] and study to see what is truth (Acts 17:10-11) and to show yourself approved unto God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

There you have it, dear reader. Caleb knows what he’s talking about. Don’t be misled by those day-age blasphemers!

Copyright © 2018. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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14 responses to “Creationist Wisdom #906: A Day Is a Day

  1. When a story is as st00pid as genesis is told, you should not try to justify it by saying that a day was not a day. Just keep it as is, you can’t really improve on original st00pidity! Even calling it poetry does not really improve it much!

  2. where did the UV rays come from
    Remember that God said, “let there be light”? This was before the plants and before the Sun.

    Let’s rather ask, how were there days before there wasa sun.
    The Bible says
    “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.”-

    First of all, note that this does not say anything about making plants to grow, and nothing about UV light.
    Second, this does say that the purpose of the Sun, Moon and stars is to be signs for the passage of time, in particular, days. So, reading this literally, how was there the passage of three days before there were the lSun, Moon and stars in the firmament?

  3. I’m confused. There is only actually one perpetual day, which commenced the moment the sun began to shine on our planet. The fact that our planet rotates, causing us to pass in and out of that single day, simply gives us an illusion of multiple days.

  4. It seems that talk is cheap in Texas.

    I recall The Joy Lady (Creationist Wisdom#905) remarking that she had but 500 words to cobble together her message of “wisdom”. Let’s hope that she and her friends do not move to Marshall, Texas, where editors allow Caleb 1,300 words to massacre logic, reason, science (and the Bible itself, truth be told).

    Not to worry… today’s news is tomorrow’s fish an’ chip paper.

  5. It seems that one of the hardest lessons to learn is to examine one’s own position. He can criticize “Old Earth”, but he can’t apply the same criticism to his reading of the Bible. There is no Sun to shine, no there is no UV light for plants – so he complains, yet he doesn’t bother to think that if there was no Sun to shine, there wouldn’t be any days. That isn’t hard.

  6. Michael Fugate

    Isn’t the take home message form Caleb’s post that Genesis should not be read literally; if one tries then it leads to one conclude it isn’t true?

  7. The problem people like Cletus have is their unwillingness to admit that the Hebrew cosmology, as elucidated in Genesis, describes a flat earth under a firmament. That Earth was illuminated by God’s unspecified “let there be” light until the sun and moon were hung, track-like, inside the dome.

    Given his Byzantine writing style, I’m surprised our author hasn’t actually gone full flat-earth yet.

  8. He actually brings up the question
    How did the individuals to whom Moses wrote these words understand the use of the word “day?”
    Of course, the original audience believed just like everybody else in the Ancient Near East: there is a smallish flat Earth with a firmament overhead with the Sun, Moon and stars, etc. etc. etc.
    But don’t blame him. He is just like the rest of them.

  9. “Caleb doesn’t like to compromise.”

    Fanatics generally don’t, do they? No use being halfhearted about it.

    “Are you the Berean Peoples’ Front?”

    “F*** off! We’re Peoples’ Front of Berea!”

  10. Our dear SC thinks he’s smart,

    “The early Romans used an 8-day week”
    but Caleb knows better:

    “every civilization known”
    The Romans were not civilized until they became christians.

  11. Michael Fugate

    And the Chinese with their 9 or 10 day weeks weren’t either?

  12. Of course not, MichaelF – were they christians then?