Hambo’s Tale of Two Conventions

For your weekend entertainment, dear reader, we visit the website of Answers in Genesis (AIG), the creationist ministry of Ken Ham (ol’ Hambo) — the ayatollah of Appalachia, the world’s holiest man who knows more about religion and science than everyone else.

Hambo just posted Answering Atheists — Our Powerful Easter Conference. Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us for emphasis, and occasional Curmudgeonly interjections that look [like this]:

During Easter week atheists are gathering in Cincinnati, OH — in the backyard of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter — for their national convention.

Hambo doesn’t provide a link for that event but we found it: American Atheists 2019 National Convention. He describes Cincinnati as the backyard of his creationist tourist attractions. We’re not told how the people of that city refer to Hambo’s location. Anyway, then he says:

That same week (April 17–21, 2019) we’re hosting our own conference at the brand-new Answers Center at the Ark Encounter — Answering Atheists, and one of our special guest speakers is well-known evangelist, Ray Comfort (who loves to engage atheists).

Wowie — Hambo’s convention is designed to answer the godless, hell-bound atheists, and Ray Comfort will be there. In case you didn’t know it, Hambo and Comfort are buddies — see Hambo & Ray Comfort — The Dynamic Duo. After that he tells us:

And we’re encouraging believers and atheists alike, in fact everyone, to attend. We will cover a large range of topics: biblical, scientific, philosophical, etc.

It sounds great! Maybe you should make plans to be there. Hambo continues:

This five-day conference (culminating in a sunrise service Easter morning) will answer questions such as:
• Who created God?
• Does creation science make testable predictions?
• Why do Christians believe the Bible?
• Is there evidence of the resurrection?
• How do you share the gospel with an atheist?
• Does it matter what one believes about Genesis?
Also, we will have special movie nights.

There’s no one in the whole flat world who knows more about those things than Hambo! Let’s read on:

Speakers include AiG’s [Who cares?] and me. Joining us will be Dr. Christopher Cone, president of Calvary University, Dr. Jason Lisle of the Biblical Science Institute, and Living Waters’ Ray Comfort, Mark Spence, and Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne. WOW! What a line up!

Very impressive! Another excerpt:

And I’m excited to say that all of the Answering Atheists sessions are included with purchase of our special multi-day pass to our attractions. … There are passes for families, couples, or individuals. This is the best value to allow you to attend each day of the conference and experience everything these attractions have to offer. You can view pricing and other conference details at [link omitted].

We had to visit that link to see what the thing costs. For one person the price is $199. For couples it’s $249. For families, $499. And parking is included! Hey — this is interesting:

We will be offering the atheists at their conference a special deal for them to visit the Ark and the conference sessions.

It’ll be interesting to see how many of them accept Hambo’s offer. This may be their best chance to learn The Truth so they can avoid the Lake of Fire. That’s Hambo’s hope too, as he states at the end:

Please join us in praying that many believers will be equipped and encouraged through this event and that many atheists will attend and will have their beliefs challenged and their faith in atheism shaken — and most of all that they will realize their need for Jesus Christ as their Savior.

So there you are, dear reader. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend Hambo’s glorious event in April. Unfortunately, your Curmudgeon won’t be there — but don’t let that discourage you. And if you go, be sure to let us know what we missed.

Copyright © 2018. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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13 responses to “Hambo’s Tale of Two Conventions

  1. Rather than asking why believe the Bible, ask “Why should anyone believe what you say?”
    *When the Bible says X and you say Y
    *When the Bible says nothing about Z
    *When someone else has a different interpretation of the Bible

    Rather than “debating” atheists, try debating Intelligent Design proponents, Old Earth Creatonists, geocentrists, flat-Earth proponents, Biblical scholars, etc.

  2. • Who created God?

    Apologetic answer: Nobody – else God wouldn’t be God. Real answer – man.

    • Does creation science make testable predictions?


• Why do Christians believe the Bible?

    Because that haven’t thought it through?

    • Is there evidence of the resurrection?

    None whatsoever. That’s why faith is necessary.

• How do you share the gospel with an atheist?

    In trepidation that he doesn’t show me my errors of understanding.

    • Does it matter what one believes about Genesis?

    Not at all. Believe what you want. It’s of no importance or consequence.

Also, we will have special movie nights.

    I doubt that they are that special.

  3. Michael Fugate

    Why not Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Animists, Sikhs, Jews, Bahá’í’s, Jains, Shintoists, Caodaists, Zoroastrians, etc.?

    Wouldn’t you love to see Ham on stage with a Rastafarian?

    The debates with atheists have been done to death by William Lane Craig – life is too short.

  4. This is good stuff. BBC is doing a special over Thanslgiving called Chimpsgiving. Its about primates and it is billed as a special that says “They remind us of our humanity”. Oh dear hambo. Call your cardiologist. 🙂

  5. The HAMster has to “reach out to atheists” to attend his clown shows since the audience of his sufficiently credulous believers is falling over time (see Ark Park attendance numbers).

  6. And here is another convention.
    “Flat Earthers Keep the Faith a Denver Conference”
    These are people who are taking the Bible literally.

    “They’ve taken my writing about ancient Israelite cosmology, interpreted it in this uber-literal way, and used it to prop up this flat Earth idea,” said Michael Heiser, a biblical scholar from Liberty University and host of The Naked Bible podcast, who has expressed his frustration with the misinterpretation of his work by flat Earthers.
    See this article on his blog, drmsh.com
    “Christians Who Believe the Earth is Really Flat — Does It Get any Dumber Than This?”

  7. I’m just about ready to blog about that.

  8. Poor Dr. Heiser. His subject of interest is the divine council of gods frequently described in the Old Testament, who serve El in Heaven above the firmament. He’s also an evangelical Christian who thinks the divine council is really real and writes books about it for a lay Christian audience. And now that audience is taking biblical passages about flat earth literally as well, and associating this belief with Heiser’s work.

    Just look at the comments to any of Heiser’s Youtube videos. It’s a dumpster fire of flerfer conspiracy theorists.

  9. “It’ll be interesting to see how many of them accept Hambo’s offer.”

    Can we take up a collection to buy a drone for the “Bluegrass” operative so he can fly over at noon and get a car count for that conference? IT’s the only truth you’ll get about attendance figures…..

  10. “Cincinnati, OH — in the backyard of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter”
    So Ol’Hambo has a backyard of about 40 km. So much for christian modesty.

    “And we’re encouraging believers and atheists alike, in fact everyone, to attend.”
    I will if Ol’Hambo pays my travel and other expenses. I’d love to ask RayC how his bananas are doing.

    “Speakers include …..”
    Unfortunately the Good Rev (aka David Rives) is missing.

  11. @TomS has a dream: “try debating Intelligent Design proponents, Old Earth Creatonists, geocentrists, flat-Earth proponents, Biblical scholars, etc.”
    Ah, I’d love to sit with you on the fence.

  12. Ham is probably capable of building a Potemkin village to inflate the number of visitors, Kosh. Cardboard cars and mannequin dolls.

  13. The much-missed English humorist Miles Kington used to write about the council of the gods too: