New Jack Chick Comic for Halloween

TWO months have passed since we informed you about a new Jack Chick comic. That was: Nigerian Spam? No, It’s Jack Chick! Finally, we have another for you to enjoy online.

Strictly speaking, this one isn’t about creationism — but who cares? If you like creationist goofiness, you like Chick comics. Even when they’re not about Noah’s Ark they’re still worth a look. This one is about Halloween.

Why Halloween? It’s because creationists don’t like it. This is explained in an old post we made about an article from Answers in Genesis (AIG), one of the major sources of young-earth creationist wisdom. See Halloween: The Creationist Viewpoint. They see it, not as a harmless night of fun for children, but as a godless celebration of evil that dates back to pagan times. AIG said:

The world of evil is very real, and we should not carelessly expose our children to it.

Jack Chick seems to share that view. In his new comic, a demon with “3” on his chest (indicating his rank in the devil’s hierarchy) sends a junior demon (named Stinky) to earth, as seen in the opening frames. His mission is to find a Halloween gift that Number Three can present to Satan, so that he can move up in rank and replace Number Two.

That’s the plot — evil doings down below. But Jack Chick is a clever fellow, and his comic has a surprise ending. We won’t spoil it for you. Well, why shouldn’t we? The tables are turned and the gift backfires!

Sure, it’s stupid. But it’ll only take a few minutes of your time to read the whole thing. Go ahead — you know you want to. Click here: Stinky.

After that thrilling experience, you’re going to want more. Here’s a post with links to the good stuff: Creationist Comic Books from Jack Chick.

Copyright © 2010. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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12 responses to “New Jack Chick Comic for Halloween

  1. “I demand my civil rights!”
    “That doesn’t work here”

    Well, that pretty much encapsulates domninionist philosophy, doesn’t it? What I wonder is how Jack or anyone else could think this would attract followers.

  2. eric says:

    Well, that pretty much encapsulates domninionist philosophy, doesn’t it?

    Yes, it does. I’m delighted you spotted that. It’s the best frame in the whole comic.

  3. Great – another bit of insanity from Jack.

    My favorite frame was Stinky crawling out of the drain onto the street…showing there is a direct connection between the flood drains found in front of our houses and the inferno’s of hell! Who knew? That’ll help the kids sleep at night.

  4. Gabriel Hanna

    The whole point of the tract seems to be to advertise the tracts.

  5. Passing out these tracts as Halloween treats??? We used to egg houses for way less than that. But then, that was back when you could get a real, honest to god (so to speak) candy bar for a nickel — and not one of those tiny “Fun Size” bites that come 30 to a bag. Of course, a Mounds or Almond Joy would run you a dime, but then again, you got two bars for your money.
    Jeez, I’m starting to sound like Andy Rooney.

  6. Retired Guy — not quite Andy Rooney. He and I would reminisce (and grouse) about when chocolate bars were a nickel, but there was one called Lunch Bar that was only three cents. One could purchase that, and still had two pennies left over for penny candy from the case. I do believe receiving a Chick Tract might have called for retaliation, but they weren’t around when I was young.

  7. I’m not exactly a youngster (55), but I remember getting these when I was a trick-or-treater. I loved loved loved them- my dad was a cartoonist, our house was full of Herriman and Opper and McCay and Kelly, but Chick was my guilty pleasure.

  8. Ellie, I don’t remember Chick tracts either, but we did have eight-pagers. Somewhat different subject matter, though. Never got one of those while trick-or-treating, either.

  9. Chick Publications — because I just looked it up, appears to have begun in 1970. By then, I had children of my own — who were not exposed to Chick Tracts until my youngest was mostly grown and went on the Internet. She was shocked, to put it mildly, that there was such a thing. I then had to explain the Other Facts Of Life to her. I thought there were only a couple of anti-science tracts. If there are more, I don’t think I want to know about them. Big Daddy was enough for me.

  10. I’m a middle school teacher in NC and I just wanted to write and thank you for the resources you have about Halloween, as they helped me out with my lesson plans for this October. I found another resource that I also used that I thought you and your readers might like (since my students liked it) that answers some of the questions my students had about the Holiday. I have included the link below if you would like to add it to your blog, tweet it or add it to your Facebook page.

    Hope all is well and keep the great resources coming

    Bre Matthews

  11. Huh? I’m confused.

  12. Thanks for the great post. How do we get this guy to stop? The Canadian government has banned some of his tracts for violating our hate crimes legislation, but still he’s out there publishing hate in the name of Jesus — despicable!

    And this is just what we needed — another scary, violent Jack Chick tract for zealots to give out to innocent Trick or Treaters on Hallowe’en!

    A school in Canada last week banned a Grade 3 boy from handing out any more Jack Chick tracts to his classmates. To see the news video and my analysis of a couple Jack Chick tracts, see:
    The boy who is telling his friends about Jesus and how Jack Chick made a mess of it

    I’d really like some feedback, so let me know what you think.