Herman Cummings: Genesis and 9/11

This one is obviously by Herman Cummings, although his name doesn’t appear anywhere on the article we’ll be discussing. Herman is the only person on our growing list of Self-Published Geniuses about whom we’ve written more than once. At that link you can find them all.

Herman describes himself as “the leading expert on the book of Genesis.” He’s the author (using the pen-name “Ephriam”) of Moses Didn’t Write About Creation! We have diligently reported on his long struggle for recognition, including the numerous intellectual challenges he’s issued — all of which have been ignored. Yet he perseveres.

Herman’s latest article is titled The Truth of Genesis: Foolishness and Denial Allowed 9-11 to Happen! It’s posted at the website iNewp — the People’s Press. Despite the title, it isn’t really about Genesis. Instead, like all his other articles, it’s about Herman and his struggle to tell the world about Genesis; but this time there’s something else too.

For at least the first half of the article, Herman discusses how the US government was incompetent and unprepared, and thus allowed 9/11 to happen. We’re supposed to assume that if he had been in charge of the nation’s security, history would have played out differently. That’s what happens when people ignore Herman. We’ll skip all of that, after which he says, with bold font added by us:

The same thing is happening now, in people’s minds, with respect to the existence of our Creator. Current Creationism and Theology foolishly misrepresent the Genesis text, and the world of Science denies the validity of the Scriptures.


Why is it that these “creationists clowns” focus on believing and teaching their false and foolish doctrines of either a “young Earth”, or a non-literal interpretation of Genesis? Why do they refuse to hear and accept the truth of the text, now that understanding is available?

Then he names a few of those who ignore him:

Time and time again, organizations such as the Institute of Creation Research, Creation Ministries, and (wrong) Answers in Genesis, fail to answer questions such as “Where did the water come from on the first day?”, “Why is the sequence of events different in chapter one, than it is in chapter two?”, or “Were the birds created on the fifth day, or on the sixth day?”. They don’t have the horse sense to realize that they don’t understand the Word of God, and that the Genesis text is much more scientifically advanced than just a linear reading of “day one, day two, and day three”!!

Only Herman knows the truth. Let’s read on:

Why is it that the scientific world will hide information from the public, such as the truth about Comet Showmaker-Levy-9 [sic], to avoid answering certain questions?

The truth about Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9? Herman knows that too? We continue:

Why is it that academia will quickly invite those of the evolutionist persuasion to give a seminar, and will conveniently ignore the Genesis expert whose (“Observations of Moses”) presentation seriously challenges the validity of the evolution theory? Why must people wait until it’s too late to learn that Genesis is absolutely and literally true, and the doctrines of atheists and evolutionists are false?

Why do they ignore Herman? Why? Wasn’t 9/11 enough warning? Then, in case you didn’t get the message, he complains some more:

What is there to gain by embracing a lie, and not examining the truth? Why put humanity in peril when the knowledge of the truth is available to them, so that they will not be blindsided by reality? Why, believe and teach a lie, and refuse to examine and accept the truth of God’s Word?

Gets tiresome, doesn’t it? Here’s the end:

For nearly eighteen years, there has been a biblical explanation for the geologic and fossil records of Earth. Why is it being kept from the people? Is it an abundance of foolishness, and massive denial? Or is it actually rebellion against God?

We’ll tell you what the problem is, Herman. It’s you! Yes, Herman, you’re the reason everyone ignores you.

If you want people to think you’re a prophet, then stop being a crybaby and start behaving like a prophet. Tell the world whatever it is that you think we ought to know. The Time Cube guy is a good role model for you. He doesn’t sit around and complain. He got himself a website and put his wisdom out there for everyone to see.

If your information is all that important, then follow his example. Otherwise, you can whine all you like; but don’t expect any results. Oh, and if you knew anything about 9/11 ahead of time, why didn’t you tell us?

Copyright © 2011. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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10 responses to “Herman Cummings: Genesis and 9/11

  1. ” Oh, and if you knew anything about 9/11 ahead of time, why didn’t you tell us?”

    A salient point. The best excuse I heard was that “the forces of evil were clouding my thoughts on the matter”.

    Much like the dark side of the force prevented Yoda from seeking what Count Dooku was up to eh?

  2. I’m not sure what’s worse, the Creationists who believe that my ancestors were too stupid to use allegory or the fruitcakes who think that my ancestors had deep scientific insight and had to write it in arcane code for fear of the goyim.

  3. comradebillyboy

    Herman said “For nearly eighteen years, there has been a biblical explanation for the geologic and fossil records of Earth. Why is it being kept from the people?” So what is this wonderful 18 year old explanation? I have been following the creation nonsense for a long time and this revelation is news to me. Oh Herman give us the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. To comradebillyboy:

    You want the truth? The days in Genesis are not linear.

    To the rest:

    In no way did I imply that I knew of 9-11 ahead of time. I wish I did. But an airborne attack was the only option left to the terrorists.

    The truth about Genesis is not widely known because academia, the clergy, and the secular world don’t want the public to know the truth. Since every pastor, rabbi, priest, professor, school board, college president, and school principal refuses the allow the “Observations of Moses” presentation to be shown, that should tell you that the adversary is fighting against such truth being given.

    All that have seen the presentation, including the Sanhedrin in Israel, can’t find any error. But at the same time, they get quiet, go into denial, and fail to tell others the truth. All other creationist doctrines pose no threat to the evolution theory. But the “Observations of Moses” has everyone else “shaking in their boots”.

    Do you want to end this controversy? Then schedule the presentation to be shown to the public or at your facility. Either “put up” or “shut up”.

    By the way, the hypocrites of “young Earth” are about to be exposed.


  5. Fair warning for anyone thinking of clicking on Herman’s link- it’s a link to an article written by Herman on Yahoo’s contributor network. More of the same old Herman.
    Gotta give you props for the entertainment value though, Herman.

  6. Did Herman just fail the Turing test?

  7. Mr. H. Cummings wrote: “For nearly eighteen years, there has been a biblical explanation for the geologic and fossil records of Earth.”

    Gee, I thought the Bible was written much earlier than that. First we get “Young-Earth Creationists”, now we get “Young Bible” Cummings.

    Herm, science is mankind’s striving to understand the nature of reality. It is not a monolithic entity that is “trying to hide something”. On the contrary, scientists are working diligently to illuminate, not to obfuscate.

    Mr. Cummings writes further: “The truth about Genesis is not widely known because academia, the clergy, and the secular world don’t want the public to know the truth. Since every pastor, rabbi, priest, professor, school board, college president, and school principal refuses the allow the “Observations of Moses” presentation to be shown, that should tell you that the adversary is fighting against such truth being given.”

    I’m not a psychiatrist, but I can recognize a paranoid rant when I see one.

  8. Herman should get together with my father in law, the young earth creationist pastor. I’d like to bet there would be a great discussion.