Results in GOP Primary for Texas Lt. Governor

A few weeks ago we posted Creationists in the Republican primary for Texas Lt. Governor. The candidates were incumbent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state Senator Dan Patrick. The date of the GOP runoff election was 27 May — yesterday. Surprisingly — not really, we’re talking about Texas — both favored teaching creationism in the state’s public schools.

You’ve all been wondering: What happened? Who won? Your Curmudgeon is here to help. In the New York Times we read Lieutenant Governor Loses Texas Runoff as Tea Party Holds Sway. Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us:

Dan Patrick, a state senator who has taken outspoken stands against abortion, same-sex marriage and illegal immigration, won a Republican runoff for lieutenant governor on Tuesday, handily defeating David Dewhurst, the longtime incumbent, in a race that illustrated the continuing power of the Tea Party in Texas.

Wow — the incumbent creationist lost, and he was beaten by an even more radical creationist. Everything is bigger in Texas! Look on the bright side — this is good news for your Curmudgeon. We need people like that in office to keep our readers entertained.

Most of the Times story is uninteresting — until we come to this:

At a debate in Dallas, Mr. Dewhurst and Mr. Patrick were asked whether creationism should be taught in public schools. Mr. Dewhurst [the loser] said that creationism, evolution and intelligent design should be taught.

As expected. But then we’re told:

Mr. Patrick took the chance to appeal to Christian conservatives. “We as Christians have yielded to the secular left and let them rule the day in this country,” Mr. Patrick said. “When it comes to creationism, not only should it be taught, it should be triumphed. It should be heralded.”

Aaaargh!! He’s a madman! Here’s one more excerpt:

He [Patrick] now faces the Democratic nominee, State Senator Leticia Van de Putte, in November. Republicans control both chambers of the Legislature and all statewide elected offices, but a victory is not assured for Mr. Patrick. Even within his own party, detractors have described his tone as strident.

Strident? We hadn’t noticed. Anyway, that’s how things are in Texas. The same as always.

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12 responses to “Results in GOP Primary for Texas Lt. Governor

  1. Not to take away from your sport, Curmy, but let’s hope Ms. Van de Putte is a bit more reasoned than Mr. Patrick.

    On another note, here’s something that really should be posted on the Denyse (The Dense) O’Leary thread, but that’s getting buried by all your more recent postings, and few would see it. I was watching the Chicago PBS station (WTTW) last evening, and they had a great segment on the cave-diving discovery of the oldest human skeleton yet found in the Americas — approx. 12,000 – 13,000 years old. Even older than the Turkish site that got poor, old Denyse confusing chimps and humans. Here’s a link to the streaming video:
    Look for the cave-diving segment if it doesn’t come right up.

  2. OK, it didn’t come right up. Drop down to the May 27 video thumbnail, “Diving for Bones”.

  3. The Texas conservatives are following the old Chinese adage:
    One step forward, ten steps backward.

  4. Dewhurst is more “establishment” than Patrick, but that just means he’s been in office longer. His stated positions are more or less identical. Just due to his bullheaded personality, Patrick will have a harder time tacking back to the center for the general election, but in Texas that’s hardly necessary. He can run from a mental asylum, and if he is Republican, he’ll be elected.

  5. waldteufel

    Our beloved Curmudgeon has nothing to fear from the follies in Texas.
    Be sure, the craziest, most ignorant, most crooked, most god-soaked gun-fondling idiot will win any political contest here these days.

    Mr. Patrick will be our next Lt. Governor, and I boldly predict that he will be the gift that keeps on giving for our Curmudgeon.

  6. There is a “get rich quick scheme” in Texas called “politics.” People who get in get rich. Sure, a lot of it is small potatoes, or, as we say in Texas, “them thangs ya eat with steak,” but it’s good money if you can get it. The high rollers become FOP’s, Friends of Perry, and that’s where millions of dollars in contracts can be diverted. I need only say “Formula One” racetrack in Austin. Ever hear of it? Well, if you’re a building contractor and a FOP you sure did!

    Now the Force is disturbed. By all rights Dewhurst should have won. He was destined. Classic Rethuglican, monied, FOP – he had the Republican cred, but Old School Republican. And that’s trouble, starts with a “T” and spells “Liberal.” Yes, orange is the new black and GOP is the new liberal.

    Patrick, on the other hand, is Tea Party (think “Mad Hatter”), a total buffoon, village idiot, loudmouthed Limbaugh-esque crackpot, but more importantly Not the Dewhurst. So, Not the Dewhurst won by a landslide! This was no squeaker, the vote was 65-35. FOP got FWAPPED.

    It’s not going to be fun to watch, it’s going to be embarrassing.

    Leticia, however, is what we call a “normal human being.” Smart and sensible, she doesn’t stand a chance.

  7. Curm recently posted on how Republican primaries were purging creationists, so the GOP would tack to the rational side.

    Guess not.

    In Texas, 3 days after a massive school shooting, any candidate for Governor could %$&* on the graves of the dead children while fellating an Uzi assault weapon and post the video on YouTube, and he’d be guaranteed electoral victory.

    I think the guy in Montana, Steve Daines, hasn’t had his primary yet. I can’t find news on it yet.

  8. Diogenes gloats: “Curm recently posted on how Republican primaries were purging creationists, so the GOP would tack to the rational side. Guess not.”

    That was about primaries for the Senate, where the craziest didn’t win. So far, so good. The Montana primary is on 03 June. As for the Texas Lt. Gov., I imagine it’s a powerless position. It doesn’t matter who holds that office. Texas is what it is.

  9. SC: “As for the Texas Lt. Gov., I imagine it’s a powerless position.”

    Yep. Even if something bad were to happen to Perry, there wouldn’t be much difference.

  10. I wouldn’t call the TX Lt. Gov. powerless. My memory of community college government class (14 years ago in Plano, TX) is pretty hazy, but one thing I do remember is learning that the Lt. Governor is one of the most powerful in the country, and the Governor is one of the weakest.

  11. The Handbook of Texas Online says:

    “His legislative duties are to serve as presiding officer of the Senate, appoint the committees of the Senate, and cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. The lieutenant governor serves as chairman of the Legislative Budget Board and the Legislative Council. He is vice chairman of the Legislative Audit Committee and the Legislative Education Board and is also a member of the Legislative Redistricting Board. Since World War II the lieutenant governor has exerted growing influence in lawmaking and in administration and public policy.”

  12. docbill1351

    True, the Lt. Gov. has more power, as it were, than the Gov. However, the power that Gov. Good Hair has is used in his appointments, for example, the chairman of the State Board of Education. Witness the damage creationist Don McLeroy did during his term as chairman of that board. Ultimately, McLeroy was turned out because the state Senate refused to confirm his appointment, but he was running the board for YEARS while that process took place. Yes, YEARS!

    After McLeroy, creationist Perry appointed another creationist but was told by the Senate that person would not be approved, and in a shorter time, so Perry found YET ANOTHER creationist (I should say YEC Another) who was less overtly creationisty and she’s only being held in check by diligent reporters who watch her every dishonest move, the latest being during the textbook selection process where she personally tried to influence the reviewing committees by offering support to the creationists she selected. “I’m one of you,” she told them. Barbara Cargill, flaming creationist and quick to lie about it.