From ICR: A New Book on Flood Geology

This is what you’ve been waiting for, dear reader, and you know it’s good because if comes from the creation scientists at the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) — the fountainhead of young-earth creationist wisdom.

Their title is ICR Releases Game-Changing Flood Geology Book, and the blog author is Christy Hardy, described as “an editor at the Institute for Creation Research.” Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us for emphasis, and occasional Curmudgeonly interjections that look [like this]:

The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) just released Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of a Worldwide Flood, the second addition to ICR’s In-Depth Science series. Thanks to author Dr. Tim Clarey’s 35 years of geological experience and five years of intensive data research, this new book demonstrates how Earth’s rock layers reveal the progression of the global Flood described in Genesis. Dr. Jeff Tomkins, ICR Director of Life Sciences, said, “This book is destined to become the new and most authoritative textbook on the global Flood.”

They link to the book at ICR’s on-line bookstore. Curiously, they don’t provide any information about the publisher. We searched for the thing at Amazon, but it’s not there. All we can do is speculate from the title of ICR’s post, which says “ICR Releases …” It looks like they’re the publisher. Anyway, it costs only $39.99, so we know you’re going to buy it — even though they don’t reveal how many pages it is.

Okay, back to the blog article, which says:

With a fresh copy in hand, ICR CEO Dr. Henry Morris III said, “Dr. Tim Clarey’s monumental book, Carved in Stone, has just arrived from the printers. It is absolutely wonderful! [Ooooooooooooh!] … I am genuinely excited for the impact that this study will have throughout the scientific community.” [We’re excited too!]

He got a copy right from the printer? It certainly sounds like ICR is the publisher. Anyway, ICR tells us:

You may wonder how this book differs from other valuable creation-based geology books. [Yeah, we’re wondering!] In its pages, readers will find a complete synopsis of the sediments deposited across three continents, derived from groundbreaking examination of global oil well data. It details how the Flood progressed week by wee [Wow!] and ties the events of that year directly to the rocks we see in place. And it even shows how the Ice Age was a necessary consequence of the end of the Flood.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. ICR continues:

Carved in Stone is targeted toward serious science readers and lay people who want to explore the latest research that confirms the global Flood. [That’s you, dear reader!] It begins with several introductory chapters to ensure readers know the basics of geology. Then, it delves into great detail about Dr. Clarey’s findings and provides striking images and colorful maps that illustrate the data points he’s referencing.

Skipping a bit, here’s another excerpt:

This book will surely impact creation science investigation going forward, and Dr. Clarey knows there’s more evidence to be examined. He said, “There are still many things we don’t know, but this book should be a great place to start. It is the framework from which many generations of future study can build off of. The rocks aren’t going to change much in 50-100 years.”

And now we come to the end:

If you want to see solid evidence that God’s Word is true from the beginning [Who doesn’t?], and that only a recent, global Flood can make sense of the rocks and fossil distributions we find across the globe, visit to order your copy today.

All right, dear reader — we’ve done our part. Now it’s up to you. Go to ICR’s website and get your copy today. Then you’ll know The Truth! Oh, and tell ’em the Curmudgeon sent ya.

Copyright © 2020. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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17 responses to “From ICR: A New Book on Flood Geology

  1. But I did find this on Amazon: Carved in Stone. “Archeologist and folklore expert Nate Murdock has discovered ancient stone carvings that will either revolutionize thinking in his field or get him laughed out of it entirely, and he’s hired world-renowned photographer Alex Martin to document his find and bolster his claim. When the alluring Alexandra Martin, not Alex, shows up for the job, Nate’s not sure whether to send her packing or take her into his arms.” Oh my! What will happen, what will happen?

    But some good may come of this. Stephen A Austin’s Grand Canyon, monument to catastrophe evoked the excellent multi-author Grand Canyon, monument to an ancient Earth.

  2. My perfunctory apologies in advance for this somewhat off-topic comment, but my periods of lucidity rarely coincide with a Free Fire Zone.

    Link to an hilarious WaPo article by Alexandra Petri — here’s a taste:

    Actually, it is not accurate to say that I know nothing about diseases. That does not go far enough. It is not just that I know nothing about diseases: I also do not know anything about the spread of diseases. If I were to venture any opinion about what is going on, it would be a combination of guesswork and this feeling I have always had that I am much smarter than I actually am, that if I really squinted hard enough at a sentence written in French, I would just suddenly understand it, by instinct. To anyone who says that this is not enough expertise to venture an opinion, confidently, online, during a time of pandemic I say: Où est la salle de bain?!

    I have what could be loosely described as “expertise” in an entirely different field, a field that, let me stress, is not related in any way to the subject at hand. What I bring to the subject I am talking about now is not years of expertise — in fact, the exact opposite! But I have two eyes, and a brain, and I can see what is in front of me, and I am also going to mention my expertise in the other field, which will muddle everything. Who are you to say that someone who has spent his life studying Napoleonic artillery knows nothing about the coronavirus?

    I am one of those people who, when he hears all the scientists who have dedicated their lives to figuring out a specific problem saying one thing, in unison, thinks, “That can’t possibly be right. In fact, I bet the opposite is true!” I once read a Wikipedia page about Galileo, from which I took the conviction that this was how all important scientific breakthroughs happened. When I hear, “That is something no actual scientist would ever consider,” I know that I am on the right track.

  3. Michael Fugate

    In these trying times, an AiG or ICR press release is always good for a laugh. Thanks SC for bringing this to my attention.

  4. Laurette McGovern

    Is there anything new? Is there anything that hasn’t been said 5, 10, 20, 30 years before?

    The world wonders

  5. docbill1351

    L McG wonders:

    Is there anything new? Is there anything that hasn’t been said 5, 10, 20, 30 years before?

    The world wonders.

    Wonder no more! The “professor” of geology at a community college in Hicksville, Nowhere County, Michigan, apparently did no field work, rather he did his geological “research” examining “global oil well data.” ICR calls it “groundbreaking,” although the geologist apparently did not break any actual ground. But, this is what happens when you’ve got rocks for brains.

  6. Dave Luckett

    It would take a lot of money, but it’s possible that an actual geologist might lend expertise to a scientific consideration of the claims made in this book. You’d have to pay the geologist, of course – the labourer is worthy of (his, her, their) labour, y’know – and pay for the nose plugs and rubber gloves required to handle this material, as well. Not to mention the on-line thesauruses necessary to look up synonyms for “ridiculous”, lest repetition overwhelm the reader. And of course the result could never see scholarly publication, unless somewhere there is a “Journal of Delusion and Fraud” – but if there were, surely I would have heard of it, since it would have to be on a daily – nay, hourly – printing schedule, to keep up.

    But to perform such an exercise would involve paying ICR their inflated price for a copy, and there my craw sticks.

  7. @Dave Luckett
    The Journal of Irreproducible Results

  8. Theodore Lawry

    Big yawn. Creationists are always doing this, in 2009 they released Earth’s Catastrophic Past, 1,100 pages in two volumes, supposed to prove Noah’s Flood was real. It was a miserable flop, devoted two whole sentences to the origin of the Grand Canyon, for example. There were 3 chapters on the rocks in the walls of the Canyon. We all know there are rocks in Arizona but what cut the Canyon through them? 1,100 pages and they couldn’t say,

    Steven Austin’s book about the Grand Canyon was the same, lots of boring descriptions of rock layers, and a few pages “about” the origin of the Canyon which said, get this, that the Flood did NOT make the Grand Canyon!

    Clarey’s book is a mere 395 pages and sounds deadly dull. I suspect it will have lots of data about rock layers, with a few feeble arguments about how the Flood made them, which geologists will easily refute, if they can be bothered.

    Creationists have had over 50 years to find real evidence for the Flood since 1961 when The Genesis Flood of Morris and Whitcomb kick started the “modern” creationist movement. Lack of real Flood evidence has been a major embarrassment for creationism. And NOW they have finally found it?? Good luck with that!

  9. chris schilling

    Dr. Clarey: “There are still many things we don’t know…”

    Why be modest, at this stage, when they’ve come so far? Armed with God’s Word, and this latest pioneering research to back it up, the young, flat world truly is their oyster.

  10. @TomS, as you know I never miss an opportunity to brag. I’ve published there: Properties of Administratium, Braterman, P. S., J. Irreproducible Results, December 1990

  11. docbill1351

    Paul B,

    Bravo! Bravo, sir!

    I still recite the report of the “Side Hill Gouger” to any who will listen. The EE Library at Purdue carried the JIR and I went over there every month to read it. Wonderful stuff. You are to be congratulated, revered and a bronze statue cast. Srsly.

  12. Douglas Swartzendruber

    Paul – I remember that paper! Or at least something similar – New Chemical Element Discovered by William DeBuvitz January 1989 The Physics Teacher
    “The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by investigators at a major U.S. research university. The element, tentatively named administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons, which gives it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called morons.

    Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of Administratium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would have normally occurred in less than a second.

    Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately three years, at which time it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and assistant vice neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that the atomic mass actually increases after each reorganization.

    Research at other laboratories indicates that administratium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points such as government agencies, large corporations, and universities. It can usually be found in the newest, best appointed and best maintained buildings.

    Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.”

  13. As I recall, my own contribution was to point out that its inertial mass is greater than its gravitational mass (my own recent discovery; I had just been appointed as a Departmental Chair), and that it was first described in The Hexagon, house organ of Alpha Chi Sigma. But knowledge is cumulative …

  14. Douglas Swartzendruber

    Excellent 🙂

  15. Eddie Janssen

    Maybe he will answer the question what a geologist would have found in the days before the Flood?

  16. Michael Fugate

    You can be ICR’s next president!

    Click to access ICRPresident.pdf

    What are you waiting for?

  17. Techreseller

    As for buying my copy of the book. I will get right on that. Well after I master Ancient Latin, Ancient Greek, Assyrian, and Mandarin. Of course I have not started any of these studies yet, so buying the book might take me some time. But I will get to buying it, ummm some time in the future.