Ray Comfort on Ben Franklin, Darwin, & Einstein

OUR blogging week begins with a familiar name — Ray Comfort — about whom we first posted here: WorldNetDaily, Ray Comfort, and Brain Death. That was the start of a domino effect of stupid. See: Kirk Cameron: World’s Dumbest Human? and Flat Earth, Uranus, & WorldNetDaily.

Our last post on this one-man festival of foolishness was here: Ray Comfort: New Standard of Stupid. He was complaining that everyone on the Berkeley campus was afraid to debate his claim that atheists (and of course “Darwinists”) believe that nothing created everything.

We know you’re all wondering — what’s Comfort been up to? And is he still creatively joined with his intellectual soul-mate, Kirk Cameron (a/k/a the “boy wonder”)? See Comfort & Cameron: The Axis of Stupid.

You’re in for a treat, dear reader, because Comfort is back! You can read about it in the putrid pages of WorldNetDaily (WND) — a Worthless Creationist Rag that regularly sets ever-lower standards for cyber-journalism.

Todays article in WND about Comfort is God and Hitler, Churchill, Einstein, the Beatles …. Here are some excerpts, with bold added by us:

How would some of history’s most influential figures answer crucial life questions such as “What happens when someone dies?” and “Are you afraid of dying?” Christian author Ray Comfort and actor Kirk Cameron plan to take on that task in season five of their popular TV series “The Way of the Master”.

Comfort and Cameron together again — the dynamic duo! Let’s read on:

The new shows will employ a unique, experimental editing process to bring alive the likes of Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, the Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, the Beatles, Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler.

“We will discover who these icons of history were, and what they believed – particularly about God and the Bible,” Comfort said.

A jellyfish has a better chance of understanding and explaining those people than Comfort. And even a dead jellyfish would do better than Cameron. We continue:

The shows are based on Comfort’s upcoming book “Hitler, God, and the Bible,” to be published by WND Books.

WND Books will release “Hitler, God, and the Bible” next spring, followed in the fall by “Einstein, God, and the Bible.” Other potential titles include: “Einstein, God, and the Bible,” “Mark Twain, God, and the Bible,” “Charles Darwin, God, and the Bible” and “John Lennon, God, and the Bible.”

Yes, they mentioned the Einstein title twice. There must be a reason, but it eludes us.

So there you are, dear reader. We’ve informed you about Ray Comfort’s latest intellectual endeavors and the new series of stimulating titles coming from that most prestigious publisher — WND Books. There’s more in today’s WND article, but we’ll leave it to you to click over there and read the rest for yourself. Our work here is done.

Copyright © 2010. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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9 responses to “Ray Comfort on Ben Franklin, Darwin, & Einstein

  1. “Comfort and Cameron together again — the dynamic duo!”

    The dynamic dimwits would be more accurate. Another lesson in stupid coming up. Those two morons have a television series??? It’s a headache just to think about it.

  2. Are these books co-authored by Luskin? He likes to write about what dead people would have said, too.

    Dead people don’t lie, you know!

  3. I wait with baited breath for the last one mentioned… Hitler, God and The Bible. That one should be a scream…. 15 gallon bucket of whitewash free with every copy!

    “Comfort and Cameron together again — the dynamic duo!”…why the hell cant I get “Gay porn!!!!” out of my head like some Rorschach Test reaction? Im seeing old guy / young guy, cheesy mustache, jigga jigga 70s music and bananas….lots of bananas….Ive gotta stop smoking this stuff 😉

  4. The new shows will employ a unique, experimental editing process

    Umm, does that mean what I think it means?

  5. Sometimes, the only proper response is to roll one’s eyes.
    A low groan is optional.

  6. Gabriel Hanna

    I know a lot about Churchill. It would be going too far to call him an atheist–a “ceremonial deist” might be the best way to describe him, like George Washington. One of Churchill’s comments on the Anglican Church: “[I am] not a pillar of the Church but more of a flying buttress–I support it from the outside”. In My Early Life he says he is no longer an observant Christian, and “having made so many deposits in the bank of Religion” as a youth, that he had been “confidently withdrawing from it ever since, never bothering to check the balance–there might indeed be an overdraft.”

  7. Gabriel Hanna

    Seems Comfort doesn’t read AIG:


    It was in astrophysicist Albert Einstein’s last year of life that he wrote the letter to philosopher Erik Gutkind. In it, Einstein describes (in German) his cynical views on God, religion, and Scripture:

    The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. … For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions.
    Einstein, who was Jewish, also downplayed the perception of Jews as God’s chosen people, saying, “As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything ‘chosen’ about them.”

    Oxford University’s John Brooke, professor of science and religion, comments that “Einstein was not a conventional theist” nor consistent in his views about religion during his life, though Brooke adds that Einstein believed in “some kind of intelligence working its way through nature.” Einstein did stand in awe of the universe and described a “cosmic religious feeling,” but he also rejected “the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.” And speaking at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1939, Einstein said that a “conflict arises when a religious community insists on the absolute truthfulness of all statements recorded in the Bible.”*

    The conflict arises, in fact, when science is divorced from the absolute truthfulness of Scripture. But without a solid basis of truth for conducting science—laws of logic, uniformity of nature, reliability of our senses, etc.—what good is the scientific method? Without the starting point of Scripture and the rational, non-contradictory God, we lose the basis for science. Einstein may have been blessed with high intelligence, but Scripture reminds us in Psalm 111:10 that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

    Bloomsbury, the London auction house that sold the letter, said it was “100 percent certain” that the letter was genuine.

  8. Benjamin Franklin

    World Nut Daily made a mistake in the article. They always refer to the bananaman as: “best selling” author, Ray Comfort.

    While I must wait to pass final judgment on these presentations, based on reading Comfort’s blog, Atheist Central, for long enough to know his severely limited intellectual prowess, I will say that the episode on the Wright Brothers will never get off the ground, the episode on Edison will leave us in the dark, and the episode on Franklin, well, Ray Comfort can kiss my kite.

  9. drivinganalytical

    From the WND artickle: “Comfort noted some astounding facts he discovered about Hitler, such as his publishing of his own version of the Bible, which removed all references to the Jews as God’s people.”

    Does that mean that Conserv-pedia could also be accused of taking a leaf out of Hitler’s book?

    just asking…