WND: Evolution — The Most Foolish Notion Ever!

Last night our slumber was interrupted by blaring sirens and lights flashing on the wall display of our Retard-o-tron™. The blinking letters on the wall said WorldNetDaily.

As you know, WorldNetDaily (WND) is the flamingly creationist, absolutely execrable, moronic, and incurably crazed journalistic organ that believes in and enthusiastically promotes every conspiracy theory that ever existed. That’s why we find so much entertainment there.

So we took a look and found this: Evolution: ‘The most foolish notion ever’? It’s a David Rives video. The last time we told you about a David Rives video promoted by WND was here: The Big Bang? Breaking the Stupid Barrier.

This new video is only two minutes long — thankfully — so click over to WND to take a look. Ordinarily we’d save you some effort by embedding it here, but it’s not yet available at YouTube. Until then you’ll need to visit WND. Sorry about that.

The amazing thing about this one is that Rives uses as his authority a preacher named Charles Spurgeon. He was influential in his day, but he died in 1892 — the same year as Darwin.

If you like the way preacher David Rives presents the issues, you’ll be delighted to know you can see an ark-load of his videos at the website of WorldNetDaily: David Rives Archive.

Now don’t be ashamed. Click over to WND to watch the show. Your Curmudgeon will understand.

Copyright © 2011. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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8 responses to “WND: Evolution — The Most Foolish Notion Ever!

  1. SC: you owe me two minutes. There is just about literally NOTHING that I can think of that wouldn’t have been more worth doing than watching that inane crap. OTOH- it was good for a chuckle. Stalin disproves evolution! Heh heh.

  2. aturingtest says: “SC: you owe me two minutes.”

    Okay. Just keep a record of it. We’ll settle up one day.

  3. If I wanted a headache that badly, I’d just pound my head against the walls of my (frozen solid) igloo.

    Every time you feature WingNutDaily, the dogs start howling.

  4. Ceteris Paribus

    Stalin did in a way help to disprove evolution – but only evolution of the Lamarckian type and was enforced by Stalin’s crony political biologist Lysenko, who sent Darwinian biologists to prison or worse.

    Political interference also caused Russian geological science be set back for decades while it rejected plate tectonics. Which left room for the idea of abiogenic oil to develop and spread in the FSU. Ironically, that mistaken idea about the origin of oil is a subject that fascinates the folks at WND who, no just like Stalin, thinks science is best when supervised by politicians.

  5. Ceteris Paribus

    Arrrgh – some too many grammatical mistakes. Sorry.

  6. Having clicked over to WND, I now feel sullied and unclean.

    Actually, it is about the same feeling I had when I caught myself rubber-necking while driving past a particularly horrific pile-up on the M4: gruesome and revolting, but I just had to look….


  7. Uh … Darwin died in 1882 …

  8. Ignorance ain’t pretty!