Another Self-Published Genius Disproves Darwin

We’ve seen several of these. The last was Press Release: Vanity Published Creationist Genius. The ones before that were Press Release from Another Self-Published Genius, and before that Amazing Genius Answers All Questions, and still earlier: Self-published Genius Challenges Darwin’s Theory.

At first we thought that was all of them, but then we searched our archives. Earlier still we posted The Top Rated Intelligent Design Website, another press release promotion. That wasn’t about a vanity-published book, but for our purposes it’s close enough. We continued our search to see of there were others. Indeed there are. We posted The Worst Creationism Book Ever? which we learned about from a press release. Sure enough, it was self-published. Even earlier we posted Creationism and Crop Circles: Together At Last! — same deal, vanity publisher (Outskirts Press), press release promotion.

Before all of those we wrote Herman Cummings: Unappreciated Genius? His book, Moses Didn’t Write About Creation! (by “Ephraim,” Herman’s pen-name), was printed by PublishAmerica, and it was marketed by press release before we started our humble blog. Therefore, Herman fits the category of self-published geniuses who promote their discoveries by press release.

We’re thinking of starting a numbered series of these things, which would make today’s post number nine — assuming we’ve located all our earlier specimens. The press release we found this morning comes from Australia and it’s titled Trans-dimensional Evolution. There’s also a sub-title:

“Trans-Dimensional Evolution” Introduces Scientific Disproof Of Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution

We understand how eager you are to learn about this stunning new book, but first we need to explain how this news came to our attention. As with other paradigm-shattering discoveries, the proud author has announced his work by hiring a press release service. This one is issued by an outfit called seekingmedia, which describes itself as:

an online press release system that allows you to promote your business, products, services and news directly to newspapers, magazines, radio, television, newswires and search engines at the click of a button, quickly and easily, from anywhere at any time.

Their Pricing page tells us that: “Using, you can send a media release from as little as $60 …” That seems like a fine way to proceed — especially for this subject. Without further delay, let us see what wonders the press release discloses. Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us:

Author Norman Christopher Vallejo today announced the release of “Trans-dimensional Evolution” (ISBN #9781742840208), a formal scientific disproof of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution written in a fashion that is easy to digest and sure to provoke debate.

We can’t find the book at Amazon. Were it not for Norman’s press release we might never have learned of his book. Let’s read on:

Using Mathematical Linear Continuity with supporting evidence from Quantum Physics, the book shows the impossibility of Darwin’s theory in a practical manner.

While the basic concept to the theory can be illustrated in just one diagram, Trans-dimensional Evolution comes packed with over 90 easy to read diagrams and over 80 references to physics and science texts and journals.

We are trembling all over. We feel a thrill up our leg. This is what we’ve been looking for all our life! The press release continues:

In a passage, the author writes: “Given the physical world has to have finite components however, finite component means identifiable division and definable division dictates instantaneous actualisation of some description on a boundary i.e. in zero time or space. Fundamentally then, change can only reside higher dimensionally. At some point there eventually has to be a cut-off from “what was” to “what is” and the idea of infinite subdivision is flawed reasoning when used to describe this as a continuous process. It should be obvious by now then that physical continuity cannot realise finite reality, only physical discontinuity can.

Aaaargh!! The mind boggles! There can be no doubt that this book will change everything. Oh, wait — before we finish, we notice that the press release gives us some information about Norman:

Norman Christopher Vallejo was born in Australia in 1969. He is a qualified Computer Programmer … and is a master Painter and Decorator.

Our joy is boundless! We’ve previously encountered several creationist engineers, dentists, and programmers, but never before have we run into a creationist decorator. No wonder we felt that thrill up our leg.

At the bottom of the press release there’s a link to the website of BookPal Australia — that’s Norman’s vanity publisher. Hey, at least they’re not pretending to be anything other than what they are.

Copyright © 2011. The Sensuous Curmudgeon. All rights reserved.

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11 responses to “Another Self-Published Genius Disproves Darwin

  1. Off-topic, SC, but on this Memorial Day I’d just like to thank you for your service.

  2. You embarrass me, James F. I was an Army Reserve officer, long ago, and I never served overseas. Nothing heroic about it, but my discharge says it was “honorable.” Let’s be grateful for those who have done so much more.

  3. SC said:

    We feel a thrill up our leg.

    You have a dog?

  4. And on the eighth day the Lord said: “Let there be drapes, so to containeth the Light; and be they not clasheth with the couch…”

  5. RetiredSciGuy

    Vallejo: “Using Mathematical Linear Continuity with supporting evidence from Quantum Physics, the book shows the impossibility of Darwin’s theory in a practical manner.”

    Does he sound a bit like Prof. Irwin Corey to you, too?

  6. RetiredSciGuy asks: “Does he sound a bit like Prof. Irwin Corey to you, too?”

    Yes. And I’ll bet he’s one of the best decorators in Australia.

  7. Whoever wrote that press release — I’ll have what he’s drinking.

  8. I ain’t the brightest bulb in the box, but what the hell did that passage say? I must be losing my marbles because creationist doublespeak is becoming increasingly incomprehensible to me.

  9. Tomato Addict

    Oh dang it! Now they have “easy to read” diagrams – Science can never win against illustrations – We may as well throw in the towel.


  10. NDaBoonies

    One suspects he would have to be a ‘qualified Computer Programmer’ Unqualified programmers usually find themselves with a new title. Like ‘Decorator’ maybe?

  11. Computer programmer nutcases, and a decorator to boot, that’s a new one for me… and all that math gibberish, he says a lot and means nothing… are you sure this didn’t come from some mental institution in Australia and passed as from someone else ?